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Circus Afternoons
Saturday, July 8th and Sunday, July 9th, 2023
Marc Chagall, Esquisse pour deux visages (détail, 1968, gouache et encre de Chine sur papier Japon nacré, 33 x 25 cm). Musée national d'art moderne, Paris, donation Meret Meyer (2022) © Archives Marc et ida Chagall / ADAGP, Paris, 2023. Mosaïque des techniques utilisées par Marc Chagall. Vue des archives Marc et Ida Chagall © Archives Marc et Ida Chagall, Paris, 2023.
Guided tours for individual adults
Spring - Summer 2023
"Chagall and I !" The 50th anniversary of the Chagall Museum - Part 2
from May 13 2023 to January 8, 2024
Chagall and I ! 50 years of the Marc Chagall national Museum
from 28 January 2023 to 8 January 2024
Pas croisés - Ballets de Monte Carlo
Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November 2022, at 8pm
Concert CIRM - Proxima Centauri
Friday 9th December 2022, at 8pm
Carte blanche to Nice Conservatory students ! #6
Saturday 24th June 2023, from 3pm to 5pm
Carte blanche to Nice Conservatory students ! #5
Saturday 11th March 2023, from 3pm to 5pm