The museum's rules for visitors
The purpose of these rules is to inform visitors of the conditions for visiting the Marc Chagall National Museum. They are intended to ensure the safety of visitors, the preservation of the premises and collections and the quality of the visit. It applies to all visitors to the museum as well as to individuals and groups authorised to occupy the premises temporarily for meetings, receptions or various events.
Please download and consult the documents below:
This version of the regulation is subject to change, depending on the evolution of the national health situation.
The All Photographers Charter
In recent years, photography and filming in museums and monuments has become a common phenomenon that is often extended to social networks. The Ministry of Culture wanted to help institutions and visitors' associations to draw up a charter of understanding that sets out the main rules for visiting and sharing culture in the digital age. This charter is likely to inspire other ministries, local authorities and the entire network of cultural structures in the heritage field.
Download and consult the charter below:
Visuel : vue de la salle du Message Biblique, œuvres de Marc Chagall (de gauche à droite) : Le Paradis (1961, huile sur toile) ; Adam et Eve chassés du Paradis (1961, huile sur toile) et Moïse recevant les Tables de la Loi (1960-1966, huile sur toile). Nice, musée national Marc Chagall © Photo: Nice, musées nationaux du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes / Gilles Ehrentrant © ADAGP, Paris, 2021.