jardin du musée national Marc Chagall. Photo : © Gilles Ehrentrant

Public with disabilities

Reservation procedures, duration, rates

The Marc Chagall national Museum can help you organise guided or independent tours of its collections, as well as educational partnership projects.

Our team of specialised tour guides can provide you with various tools and mediation devices adapted to different disabilities. Visioguides in sign language, French and English, are also available.

Price / duration
Admission to the museum is free for you and your companion, on presentation of your Mobility Inclusion Card (CMI), marked “Invalidité” (disabled) and sub-mentioned “Besoin d'accompagnement - cécité” (blind, or similar if foreign) ; or marked “Priorité” (priority).

You also benefit from a reduced rate for individual guided tours, and a special “Champ social” rate for groups.
The average visit lasts between 1 and 1.5 hours.

Reservation et more information : 
Email : servicemediation06@culture.gouv.fr
Tel: +33 (0)

In accordance with government regulations, a group may not exceed 9 people. Beyond that, they must be divided into sub-groups at the entrance and in the museum. For more information, click here

DISABILITY PROJECTS at the Marc Chagall Museum

Project around the figure of the angel - modelling and 3D printing - 2017

The Marc Chagall National Museum has built an educational project on disability with four young visually impaired people from the Clément Ader Institute of Sensory Education in Nice. Alexandre, Aurélie, Jules and Steven approached the works of the permanent collection of the Biblical Message through a game of research around the figure of the angel, the main theme of the project. They entered the museum's storerooms to discover the preparatory sketches of the collection, worked on memory and familiarised themselves with the modelling technique by making an angel in clay, a volume production linked to the Chagall, Sculpture exhibition. This was then scanned and reproduced using 3D printing during the family open day on Saturday 17 June 2017 at the Marc Chagall National Museum.

Creation of relief materials and meeting between two institutions - 2016

The Marc Chagall National Museum carried out an artistic and cultural education project with the Institut d'Education Sensorielle Clément Ader. Young visually impaired people created thermo-inflated relief supports based on Chagall's works. They then built a common mediation with students of the second year of the Don Bosco high school. This work was presented during the 4th edition of the open day at the museum, on Saturday 4 June 2016.

New visiting conditions


The VIGIPIRATE plan has been upgraded to the "Enhanced Security - Attack Risk" level for the whole of France, as of 21 June 2021.

Following the recent attacks, and in order to ensure the safety of visitors, the Marc Chagall National Museum applies the preventive measures decided by the government for public administrations.
For more information on the measures established by the French government, click here
To adopt the right gestures, please consult the document illustrated below: 


Visuel : vue du jardin du musée national Marc Chagall, Nice. Photo : musées nationaux du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes / Gilles Ehrentrant (c) ADAGP, Paris, 2021


Chagall. A Cry of Freedom
from June 1st to September 16th 2024