Exposition "Sur la terre des dieux. Marc Chagall et le monde grec", vue de la salle des lithographies illustrant "Daphnis et Chloé". Nice, musée national Marc Chagall. Photo : François Fernandez, 2020.
Past exhibitions

In the land of the gods, Marc Chagall and the Greek world

from November 16th 2019 to September 21st 2020
Musée national Marc Chagall

In the land of the gods, Marc Chagall and the Greek world

November 16th 2019 - extended to September 21st 2020


Presentation of the exhibition: Through a series of works rarely shown, the exhibition explores the relationship between Marc Chagall and ancient Greek literature. At the invitation of his Greek-born publisher Tériade, the artist undertook two trips to Greece in 1952 and again in 1954, from which several projects resulted. Inspired by reading Daphnis et Chloé by Longus and Homer's Odyssey, Chagall's works took various forms.

From illustrated books to a monumental mosaic for the Faculty of Law of Nice, by way of the sets and costumes for the Daphnis et Chloé ballet for the Paris Opera, the master from Vence navigated and appropriated these classics of Mediterranean culture, the exhibition of which is an opportunity to offer a renewed perspective.

Curators :
Anne Dopffer, Head of national Museums of 20th century of the Alpes-Maritimes
Jean-Baptiste Delorme, heritage curator of Marc Chagall national Museum

For more information, please find below the presskit of the exhibition:

Caption : Marc Chagall, Daphnis et Gnathon (detail), illustration for Daphnis et Chloé's book, 1961, lithography. Private collection © ADAGP, Paris, 2019.

Adultes Famille Handicap moteur Groupes scolaires
Chagall. A Cry of Freedom
from June 1st to September 16th 2024