Media Name: manca-affiche2018-350px.jpg

Festival Manca : Prima la Musica !


MANCA FESTIVAL 2018 edition - Prima la Musica !

A coproduction by the CIRM and XXth century national Museums of the Alpes-Maritimes

Sunday December 9th 2018, at 6pm

MANCA festival's 39th edition will end this year at Marc Chagall's national Museum. This concert will present different traditional musical forms : tarentellae, lullabies and other contemporary musical bewitchments, interpreted by Mora Vocis' band five women's voices.

"Enso(u)rcelées", is a selected program dedicated to several female composers - from the Middle Ages until nowadays
following by a special musical creation composed by Yan Maresz and Alireza Farhang.

Program :
Yan Maresz (born in 1966, Monaco), New piece. Creation for 5 voices and electronic music
Alireza Farhang (born in 1976, Iran), New piece. Creation for 5 voices and electronic music
Hildegard von Bingen (1098 - 1179), One monody
Kassia de Constantinople (ca. 810 - 843/867), Kirie, Byzantian plain chant with bumblebees
Klaus Huber (1924 - 2017), Et lux perpetua (à 3 voix)
Caroline Marçot (born in 1974), Cantar del Alma (in 3 voices)
Sophie Lacaze (born in 1963, Fr), O Sapientia (on Hildegard von Bingen's texts) (in 5 voices)
Giacinto Scelsi (1905 - 1988, It), Sauh IV (in 4 voices) et Alleluia (monody)

Practical information
The concert will take place at the museum auditorium
Ful price : 12€ / reduced price : 5€ / Free placement
The booking is strongly advised : +33 4 93 88 74 68


The CIRM is one of the six National Centres of Musical Creation in France. It is organized in four different topics of activities : production, distribution, research and training. A lots of professionals work in : composers, IT musical makers, researchers, soun engineers, musicologists, students in electroacoustic composition. Among others subjects, they work on new technologies which serve the musical creation.
Created in 1968 by the French composer Jean-Etienne Marie, the CIRM took place in Nice in 1978, the year when MANCA Festival  occured and the first edition was organised by Mr Marie. The CIRM has been led by the French composer François Paris since mars 2000.

Manca Poster 2018 © couleur tango/Ph.Hurst

Chagall. A Cry of Freedom
from June 1st to September 16th 2024