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Danse, pas croisés , Ballets de Monte-Carlo, vitraux, Marc Chagall, Création du monde. Photo (c) Patrick Massabo (c) Adagp, Paris, 2023

(Re)M.A.K.E - Ballets of Monte-Carlo

a new choreographic creation for the Marc Chagall national Museum
19:00 - 20:30


A co-production of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo and the Musée national du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes

caution : Sold out show.

As part of Pas Croisés at the Musée Chagall, Asier Edeso and Mimoza Koike have been devising dance performances since 2017, giving free rein to their creativity. For this, their latest performance together, the pair are putting a few selected moments from their collaboration into perspective. Like Chagall, who multiplied sketches and let the layers of his art live on, Asier Edeso and Mimoza Koike break down a few emblematic choreographic sequences, presenting them to us from new angles so that we can better appreciate the kaleidoscope they imagined over six years.

The new creations by Mimoza Koïke, dancer-choreographer with Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo, and Asier Edeso, freelance dancer-choreographer, provide an opportunity to combine dance with other artistic disciplines in a light-hearted format that brings works of art into dialogue with the body in movement. This way of presenting dance is part of a shared desire on the part of the Ballets de Monte-Carlo and the national museums to offer events that restore the sense of performance art to live performance.

To find out more about Les Ballets de Monte-Carloclick here

Friday 10 May 2024, at 8 pm

Full price: €10
Reduced rate, students: €5 
Booking required by email :

Diffraction, performed by Mimoza Koiké, Asier Edeso and Cristian Assis, on 27 May 2022, at the Musée national Marc Chagall, Nice. Overview of the stained glass windows by Marc Chagall, in collaboration with Charles Marcq, master glass artist, The Creation of the World (detail, 1971-1972). Photo: © Patrick Massabo © Adagp, Paris, 2023.

Horaires d’ouverture

The museum is open every day except Tuesdays, 1st January, 1st May and 25 December.

November to April: 10 am to 5 pm
May to October: 10 am to 6 pm


Full price: € 10
Reduced rate, students: € 5
Reservations required by email: