Initiated in 2002 by Jean-Michel Foray, curatorial director of the National Museums of the 20th Century in the Alpes-Maritimes, and pursued dynamically by his successor Maurice Fréchuret from 2007 to 2014, the contemporary art policy in the National Museums is an important component of the life of these three museums.
It aims to bring living creation into the museums by introducing visitors to the creations of their contemporaries. This policy is pursued today by integrating contemporary works that are conceived in dialogue with the buildings and gardens of the museums or as a counterpoint to more historical exhibitions.
Essential tools for the dissemination of creation, catalogues have been published on the occasion of exhibitions held in the national museums of the 20th century in the Alpes-Maritimes (Marc Chagall Museum in Nice, Fernand Léger Museum in Biot, Pablo Picasso - La Guerre et la Paix, in Vallauris). Between 2011 and 2015, a privileged partnership with the Banque Populaire Côte d'Azur - BPCA has enabled the publication of a paper version of these catalogues.
A collection of contemporary art catalogues
Published by a major player in contemporary art on the Côte d'Azur, Éditions DE L'ART, directed by Florence Forterre, these catalogues are collected in boxes, the fourth edition of which was published in September 2015. Illustrated with photographs taken in national museum exhibitions, they feature prestigious authors such as Dominique Païni, Thierry Davila, Didier Semin, Nicolas Bourriaud, Paul Ardenne, etc. They bear witness to the dynamism of national museums and the quality of contemporary creation in France.
To date, twenty-one volumes have been published, gathered in four boxes; seven volumes are to be published soon. These boxes are sold in bookshops in art centres, museums and art schools as well as in the artists' galleries and through the DE L'ART website and specific newsletters to individuals. DE L'ART Editions participates in at least one publishing fair per year (Berlin, Paris) and is present at specific events.
For more information
Box set 1
catalogues printed in January 2012
- Exhibition by Lida Abdul, from 3 March to 4 June 2007, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, War and Peace and the Marc Chagall National Museum. Curator, texts: Maurice Fréchuret.
- Exhibitions by Alice Anderson, from 29 March to 9 June 2008, Spectre, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix; Emmurée at the Marc Chagall National Museum. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts: Maud Jacquin and Dominique Païni.
- Exhibition by Mounir Fatmi, from 16 June to 8 October 2007, Sans histoire, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts: Paul Ardenne.
- Exhibition by Olga Kisseleva, from 1 December 2007 to 25 February 2008, Sept envies capitales, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix ; Windows, at the Marc Chagall National Museum. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret: Christophe Kihm.
Box set 2
catalogues printed in October 2012
- Exhibition by Roman Olpaka, from 8 November to 9 February 2009, at the Musée national Marc Chagall. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts : Bernard Vouilloux.
- Exhibition by Franck Scurti, from 10 January to 20 March 2009, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts: Thierry Davila.
- Exhibition by Berdaguer and Péjus, from 21 March to 1 June 2009, at the Musée national Marc Chagall. Curated by Maurice Fréchuret. Texts : Jean-Marc Huitorel.
- Exhibition by Céleste Boursier-Mougenot, from 7 November 2009 to 8 February 2010, Videodrones, at the Musée national Marc Chagall. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts : Didier Semin.
- Exhibition by Michel Verjux, from 6 February to 17 May 2010, Le Mur, l'espace, l'œil, at the Musée national Fernand Léger. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret and Ariane Coulondre. Text: Pascal Rousseau. Interview with the artist by Ariane Coulondre.
- Exhibition of Eric Cameron, from 13 March to 7 June 2010, at the Musée national Marc Chagall. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts : Danièle Cohn.
Box set 3
catalogues printed in June 2014
- Exhibition by Jean-Baptiste Ganne, from 9 June to 7 October 2013, Gélém, Gélém, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix. Curator, text, interview with the artist: Maurice Fréchuret.
- Installation by Aïcha Hamu, from 26 June to 7 November 2011, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, on the occasion of the exhibition La Peinture autrement, organised by the Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais and the Musée national du XXe des Alpes-Maritimes as part of the event L'Art contemporain et la Côte d'Azur - Un territoire pour l'expérimentation, 1951-2011. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret, Ariane Coulondre. Texts: Thomas Golsenne.
- Exhibition by Sarah Morris, from November 17, 2012 to March 4, 2013, Mechanical Ballet, at the Musée national Fernand Léger. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret, Diana Gay. Text: Nicolas Bourriaud; interview with the artist: Diana Gay.
- Installation by Melik Ohanian, from 23 June to 8 October 2012, Concrete Tears, 3451, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, on the occasion of the exhibition Exils, Reminiscences and New Worlds, organised by the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais and the National Museums of the 20th of the Alpes-Maritimes. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret, Diana Gay. Text: Maurice Fréchuret; interview with the artist: Diana Gay.
- Exhibition by Florian Pugnaire and David Raffini, from 12 January to 13 May 2013, Dark Energy, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, War and Peace. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Texts: Sylvie Coëllier.
- Installation by Jérôme Robbe, from 26 June to 7 November 2011, a.m/P.M, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, on the occasion of the exhibition La Peinture autrement, organised by the Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais and the Musée national du XXe des Alpes-Maritimes as part of the event L'Art contemporain et la Côte d'Azur - Un territoire pour l'expérimentation, 1951-2011. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret, Ariane Coulondre. Texts: Éric Mangion.
- Exhibition by Zineb Sedira, from 6 March to 22 November 2010, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret. Text: Paul Ardenne. Interview with the artist: Odile Biec.
Box set 4
catalogues printed in September 2015
- Exhibition by Heidi Wood, from 9 November 2013 to 3 February 2014, Décor d'une vie ordinaire, Grand ensemble, at the Musée national Fernand Léger. Curated by Maurice Fréchuret, Diana Gay and Pierre Palvadeau.
- Exhibition by Pilar Albarracín, from 15 February to 23 June 2014, Asnería, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, War and Peace. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret and Sarah Ligner. Texts: Sarah Ligner.
- Exhibition by Natacha Lesueur, from 22 February to 19 May 2014, Ombres blanches, at the Musée national Marc Chagall. Curated by Maurice Fréchuret and Sarah Ligner.
- Exhibition of Denis Castellas, from 14 June to 6 October 2014, at the Musée national Marc Chagall. Curator: Maurice Fréchuret and Sarah Ligner. Interview with the artist: Thierry Davila.
Catalogue "L'Art contemporain et la Côte d'Azur" (2011)
Dedicated to 60 years of contemporary art from 1951 to today, the exhibition Contemporary Art and the Côte d'Azur - A Territory for Experimentation, 1951-2011, took place in 2011 in a large number of cultural institutions on the Côte d'Azur, including the National 20th Century Museums of the Alpes-Maritimes.
Published by Presses du Réel.
A scientific, historical and prospective overview of a singular artistic laboratory, which highlights most of the subjects or media approached since the middle of the 20th century and up to the present day (painting and sculpture, architecture, film and video, music and sound, photography, etc.).
- Exhibition by Damien Deroubaix, from March 19th to June 6th 2016, El Sueño, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris.
- Imi Knoebel exhibition, from November 5th 2016 to February 27th 2017, Imi Knoebel - Fernand Léger. Une rencontre, at the Musée national Fernand Léger, Biot.
- Exhibition of Henri Olivier, from February 4th to April 30rd 2017, Parcours de l'ombre, at the Musée national Marc Chagall, Nice.
- Exhibition by Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, from July 1rst to November 6th 2017, Remembering the Light, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris.
- Exhibition by Myriam Mihindou, from February 3rd to May 14th 2018, Transmissions, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris.
- Exhibition by Stéphane Couturier, from October 6th October 2018 to March 4th 2019, at the Musée national Fernand Léger, Biot.
- Exhibition by Clément Cogitore, from May 11th to October 28th 2019, at the Musée national Marc Chagall, Nice.
- Exhibition Mounira Al Solh, My favourite hour is an hour of the night: Al-Fahmah, from July 11th to November 2nd 2020, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris.
- Exhibition Violaine Lochu, BATTLE, from June 26th to September 27th 2021, at the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris.