The Pablo Picasso National Museum, War and Peace, is accessible to people with reduced mobility.
The Pablo Picasso National Museum, War and Peace, is located in the chapel of the former priory of Vallauris, which also houses the municipal Magnelli Museum, Ceramics Museum. Two adapted parking spaces are located in the Espace-Loisirs car park, near the entrance to the site.
Access is from the courtyard of the castle via a removable ramp over the two steps to the entrance door of the chapel. Wheelchair users are invited to come to the Magnelli Museum reception desk to have this device installed.
To find out more about our activities and projects for people with disabilities, click here.
Tel: +33 (0)4 93 64 71 83
Photo: entrée du musée national Pablo Picasso, place de la Libération, à Vallauris. ©Photo : musées nationaux du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes / Gilles Ehrentrant, 2021.