Salta al contenuto principale
Eduardo Arroyo, Fernand Léger (détail), 2007. Huile sur toile, 195 x 130 cm. Photo / Courtesy : Galerie Louis Carré & Cie, Paris.© ADAGP, Paris, 2019.

Exhibition "Vis-à-vis. Fernand Léger and his friends" #3

Some days until 23rd Settembre 2019
11:00 - 18:00

Vis-à-vis. Fernand Léger and his friends #3

from June 1st to September 23rd 2019

After the great success of the two previous editions in 2017 and 2018, we are pleased to announce the third and final show “Vis-à-vis, Fernand Léger and his friends. Part 3”. Focused on creative friendship and collaboration, this cycle of exhibitions puts together two artworks: one piece from the museum’s collections next to one made by another artist, painter or sculptor, with whom Fernand Léger (1881-1955) became friends or developed artistic relationships during his career.

In 2019, the edition of “Vis-à-vis, Fernand Léger and his friends. Part 3’’ explores two classical subjects in art history: on the one hand, the representation of the human figure and on the other, the landscape to show how they were revisited by modern artists. Fernand Léger took part in several art movements throughout his life: he painted as a Neo-Impressionist at first, then joined the Cubist movement, then Purism and many others. It reveals how creative Fernand Léger was. This attitude inspired others artists and still today Léger continues to be a source of inspiration for contemporary artists.

This exhibition is organized by the musées nationaux du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes and by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux - Grand Palais at musée national Fernand Léger in Biot.




Légendes : vues de l’exposition Vis-à-Vis, 1er volet, 2017, musée national Fernand Léger. Photo François Fernandez / © ADAGP, Paris 2018
A gauche : Fernand Léger, Le Campeur, vers 1954 ; Projet pour une peinture murale, 1952 ; Formes dans l'espace, 1950 ; Les Oiseaux sur fond jaune, vers 1955, huiles sur toile. Alexandre Calder, Empennage, 1953, fer peint © Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul-de-Vence. 
A droite : Fernand Léger, Contrastes d'objets, 1930, huile sur toile. Henri Laurens, Nu accroupi au miroir, 1929-1967, bronze. Donation de M. Claude Laurens, 1967 © Centre G. Pompidou, Musée national d'Art moderne / Centre de création industrielle (MNAM / CCI), Paris. 

Horaires d’ouverture

Ouvert tous les jours, sauf les mardis, 1er janvier, 1er mai et 25 décembre.

De mai à octobre
de 10h à 18h

De novembre à avril
de 10h à 17h


Le billet d'entrée inclut l'accès à la collection permanente et un audioguide multilingue.

Tarifs expositions :
Plein tarif : 7,50 € 
Tarif réduit : 6 €
Groupes  : 7 € par personne (à partir de 10 personnes)