carte Alpes-Maritimes 3 musées nationaux

Who are we ?

The three national museums of the 20th century in the Alpes-Maritimes, Marc Chagall in Nice, Fernand Léger in Biot, and Pablo Picasso, La Guerre et la Paix in Vallauris, grouped together in a service of national competence*, present an exceptional collection of works allowing visitors to discover three great artists of the 20th century. Museums with a monographic vocation, constituted by donation to the State, they offer visitors privileged spaces for contemplation and knowledge of the works, supported by a rich programme of exhibitions, resulting from scientific research and in touch with contemporary creation.

The national museums network

The network of national museums includes 61 museums which have in common the holding, conservation and valorisation of national collections, covering works of art, cultural, scientific or technical goods belonging to the State.

Concerning the national museums of culture :

18 museums, gathered in 15 establishments, have the status of public establishments, giving them administrative and financial autonomy
17 museums, grouped into 13 establishments, including the National Museums of the 20th Century in the Alpes-Maritimes, have the status of a service with national competence (SCN)* which links them directly to the central administration.
The national museums hold the designation "Musées de France". For more information on this designation

The missions of the national museums

Under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, the National Museums of the 20th Century in the Alpes-Maritimes have the following mission

  • to conserve, protect, restore on behalf of the State and present to the public the works in the collections listed in the inventory under its care
  • to contribute to the enrichment of the national collections by acquiring cultural property on behalf of the State, whether in return for payment or free of charge
  • to ensure the reception of the widest possible public, to develop the use of the collections, to promote knowledge of their collections, to conceive and implement educational and dissemination actions aimed at ensuring equal access to culture for all
  • ensure the scientific study of its collections
  • to contribute to education, training and research in the field of art history, archaeology and museography
  • to preserve, manage and develop the buildings with which they are endowed.

To discover the Marc Chagall national museum, in Nice, click here
To discover the Fernand Léger national museum, in Biot, click here
To discover the Pablo Picasso National Museum, La Guerre et la Paix, in Vallauris, click here

For more information on the national museums of France, click here

*Service à compétence nationale:
A service with national competence, or SCN, is a particular category of administrative service, which could be situated halfway between the central administration and the deconcentrated administration. It carries out operational missions throughout the national territory: management functions, technical or training studies, and activities for the production of goods or the provision of services. The SCN were established in 1997. Together with the central administrations and the deconcentrated services, the services with national competence constitute one of the three main modes of organisation of the State civil administration.

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Guided tours for individual adults
March to Spring break 2024