Mark Dion, Tropical Collectors, détail. Installation, musée P. Picasso, Vallauris. Photo (c) Anthony Lanneretonne, 2022
Museum closure

Exhibition dismantling

closing of the exhibition Mark Dion. The Tropical collectors
from 29 November to 2 December 2022
Musée national Pablo Picasso, La Guerre et la Paix

The Mark Dion exhibition closed on Monday 28 November. Thank you to all those who visited us since the summer to discover The Tropical Collectors, an emblematic work by this American artist. 

We are currently in the process of dismantling and clearing the chapel. The Pablo Picasso, War and Peace national Museum will therefore be closed from Tuesday 29 November to Friday 2 December inclusive. It will reopen on Saturday 3 December, from 10am. 

The museum will also be closed on Monday 12 December for a technical installation in the chapel.
We thank you for your attention and apologise for any inconvenience caused. To consult the practical information

Mark Dion, The Tropical Collectors, detail of the installation at the Pablo Picasso ntional Museum, War and Peace, in Vallauris. Photo © musées nationaux du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes / Anthony Lanneretonne. Courtesy of the artist of the gallery In situ - Fabienne Leclerc, Paris / Romainville, 2022.

During the year, every day except Tuesday, January 1st, May 1st, November 11th and December 25th: from 10am to 12.15pm and from 2pm to 5pm.
Summer opening hours (from 1 July to 15 September) : from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm.

Full price: € 6
Reduced rate : € 3 (including groups of 10 people or more)
Free for children under 26 (E.U.), residents of Vallauris Golfe-Juan, for all on the 1st Sunday of the month
Joint ticketing with the Magnelli Museum in Vallauris. 

Tous publics
Awena Cozannet
from July 6th to September 30th 2024