Media Name: annannas_duo_costume_400px.jpg

Duet Les ANnANnAS - Circus season 2020

Discover their poetic world on video





"Go to the circus. Nothing is as round as the circus (...)", Fernand Léger


Duet Les ANnANnAS

The Franco-Italian duo, formed by Anna Loviat and Anna Pinto, doesn't only play with words: both artists handle singing and music with talent, splitting the tunes with trapeze movements and fabric throws.

They met during their professional training (2017-2019) at the circus school Piste d'Azur Centre des arts du cirque in Paca.

On Sunday afternoon, May 17th, we had to welcome them with a fanfare at the Léger museum and discover with joy their new acrobatic acts ...

During the lockdown, they could not see each other to train together... but they kept the link and prepared us a nice surprise with music, full of poetry.

Here is "Les AnnAnnAs éloignées-reliées", a video creation :


More information on the duet Les ANnANnAS

The Fernand Léger national Museum organizes each year a cultural program focused on the circus arts.
In contact with the Museum's collections and spaces, circus and movement artists have free to reinvent the writings and forms of this artistic discipline, celebrated by Fernand Léger for his poetic language and his commitment to the world.

A co-production of Piste d'Azur, Centre régional des Arts du Cirque - PACA, and the Alpes-Maritimes national museums of the 20th century.




Caption : Anna Pinto, from the duet Les ANnaANnAS. Photo: DR, 2020.
Anna Loviat doing aerobatic exercises on suspended fabric. Photo: DR, 2020.
"Distant AnnAnnAs - Connected", video by Anna Pinta and Anna Loviat. All rights reserved, 2020.

Exhibition dismantling
from May 29th to June 14th 2024