Totem Chagall, Parcours Sur les pas de Chagall, ville de Nice, 2021

In the footsteps of Chagall - Route through the city

In partnership with the city of Nice 

Creation of a cultural pedestrian route between Boulevard Raimbaldi and the Marc Chagall National Museum in Nice

A project selected by the residents 

The principle of creating a cultural signpost entitled "In the footsteps of Marc Chagall" was one of the 10 projects presented to the population during the "Centre Est et Trois Collines" Territorial Council organised by the City of Nice on 23 May 2019. Widely acclaimed by the public present, this project was selected and chosen to be built in the heart of the city. 

Nice, home to the greatest artists of the 20th century, celebrates art and creation. The result of a co-production between the City of Nice and the Marc Chagall National Museum, the "In the footsteps of Chagall" trail offers visitors the opportunity to walk towards the museum and discover the deep links between the artist and the city.

Composed of eight totems, the route aims to facilitate the movement and orientation of pedestrians from the Thiers station to the Marc Chagall National Museum. It begins at the Thiers station tram station, runs along the north side of Raimbaldi Boulevard, crosses the square and Olivetto Avenue and leads to Maurizi Hill, which gives access to the entrance of the Marc Chagall National Museum.

Combining text and image, the totems are aimed at a very wide audience, from pedestrian tourists (bilingual text in French and English) to local residents and users. For observers with a smartphone, a QR code to be scanned sends them to an educational content that emphasises visuals and sound.

Audio tracks recounting the life and work of Marc Chagall, INA archives in which the voices of André Malraux and Marc Chagall inaugurate the museum, the words of kindergarten children on the theme of sculpture, and an extract from a choreographic and musical show performed in the Biblical Message room, make up a sensory stroll celebrating creation in all its forms.

Enjoy the discovery and the listening!


Visuels : Totems urbains n° 1, 4 et 2, illustrés des œuvres de Marc Chagall (de gauche à droite) : La Création de l'Homme (1956-1958, huile sur toile) ; Avenue de la Victoire, à Nice (lithographie de série Nice et la Côte d'Azur, 1967) ; La Baie des Anges au bouquet de roses  (lithographie de la série Nice et la Côte d’Azur, 1967). Photos : © Nice, musées nationaux du XXe siècle des Alpes-Maritimes © Archives Ida et Marc Chagall, Paris © ADAGP, Paris, 2021.

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Chagall. A Cry of Freedom
from June 1st to September 16th 2024