Marc Chagall, "Elie enlevé au ciel sur un char de feu", 1952-1956; Estampe, 32,9 x 25,9 cm. Nice, musée national Marc Chagall, donation Marc et Valentina Chagall (1972). © Photo : Rmn-GP / Adrien Didierjean © ADAGP, Paris, 2022
Past exhibitions


a new display of the collection
from January 20th to February 10th 2016
Musée national Marc Chagall

Before the opening of the major exhibition "Chagall and Music" in the spring, the Marc Chagall National Museum is offering a dive into its collections on the theme of "History(s)".

Marc Chagall has in fact endeavoured to evoke the stories that punctuate daily life, family life, the biblical narrative, as well as the "great" History. Alongside works that deal with the future of the European peoples during the 20th century, particularly during the Russian Revolution and the Second World War, a room is dedicated to the figure of the prophet, which the artist portrayed in both engravings and paintings, from the 1930s to the end of his career. These interpreters of the divine will lead us to the jewels of the museum, the seventeen paintings of the Biblical Message. After a complete restoration campaign, they are now presented in a new light. The colours have been restored to their original shimmer and the motifs of the Song of Songs cycle, in particular, have been freed up and revealed by a new frame.

Finally, echoing the exhibition at the Fernand Léger National Museum in Biot, works that associated Paul Eluard and Louis Aragon with Marc Chagall are also on display, showing the affinities between the artist and the art of poetry. This is an opportunity to discover the first editions of the illustrated collections "Le dur désir de durer" (1946) and "Un poème dans chaque livre" (1956). This exhibition invites you to take a poetic journey through Marc Chagall's work, which is punctuated by a variety of themes, in the service of which he experimented with multiple pictorial techniques.

Open every day except Tuesdays, 25 December and 1 January.
From 2 May to 31 October: from 10am to 6pm
From November 1st to April 30th: from 10am to 5pm

Ticket sales stop 30 minutes before the museum closes.

The entrance ticket includes access to the permanent collection and a multilingual audio guide.

Exhibition rates :
Full price: €10
Reduced rate: €8
Groups (10 people or more): €8.50

Adultes Famille Handicap moteur Groupes scolaires
Guided tours for individual adults
March to Spring break 2024